New from Veda Wisdom Books
Yoga and the Dark Night of the Soul:
The Soul’s Journey to Sacred Love
★★★★★ “Simon Haas has done it again. With the clear perception of a sage, he has retold this ancient classic, the Bhagavad Gita, in a way everyone can understand.”
— Dr Richard A. Masla, founder of YogaVeda School of Yoga & Ayurveda

Yoga and the Dark Night of the Soul is about the soul’s journey from fear, lamentation and confusion to sacred love. Based on the timeless teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, this contemporary guide to yoga’s ancient wisdom shows us how to overcome life’s greatest challenges, how to follow our life purpose, how to engage our heart in our yoga practice, and how to write our life story with love and compassion.
— Simon Haas, author
Paperback: 384 pages Publisher: Veda Wisdom Books (an imprint of The English Word Factory);
1st edition (January 2018) ISBN: 978-0-9575185-2-0 Price: UK £9.99 / US $14.95

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Acclaim for ‘Yoga and the Dark Night of the Soul’
★★★★★ “What more can a discerning reader ask for?”
— Steven J. Rosen (Satyaraja Dasa)
“Yoga and the Dark Night of the Soul makes for compelling reading and is sure to become a classic in its genre.”
“A true delight and pleasure to read, which I hope to share with young people across the world who wish to deepen their understanding of the true, majestic science of yoga.”
“A timely yoga read and ideal travel companion. I highly recommend this yoga book to anyone on a yoga journey, especially yoga teachers and students; it is a must.”
“Simon Haas elegantly sheds light on the ancient text Bhagavad Gita, revealing its profound relevance to daily life. Haas weaves beautiful real-life stories into the context of this ancient wisdom, making it accessible at a time when it is so needed, in a way that perhaps has never been done before.”
“Yoga and the Dark Night of the Soul is by far one of the best books I’ve read. … Every page and chapter has an uplifting message and delivers immense value for the well-being of the body, mind and self. I highly recommend it.”
“This is an authoritative, metaphysical book on yoga that takes one beyond the needs of the body and mind and situates one in spiritual luminescence. What more can a discerning reader ask for?”
“From a little girl at Heathrow airport and a dog on the Yorkshire Moors, to holy men in crematoriums and Indian monkeys, we hear inspiring stories sure to open our hearts and minds in learning to appreciate the potential power in darkness to rewrite our own life stories from ones of fear and confusion into those of love and compassion.”
“I have used Haas’s The Book of Dharma: Making Enlightened Choices as a course book for our students in yoga teacher training. This too will become part of our curriculum.”
“The writing is beautifully balanced, simple yet profound and poetic, eloquent yet direct and accessible. Simon’s insights, guidance and stories warm the heart and mind.”