(my small human story)
Simon Haas is an internationally renowned author and teacher of yoga philosophy who specializes in applying ancient wisdom to everyday life.
Born in 1975, Simon first became interested in the study of ancient wisdom traditions at the age of 13. As a young boy, Simon studied the sacred writings of India and spent ten years living in temples and monasteries in India. He apprenticed for sixteen years with an elderly master practitioner in the Bhakti tradition, within an unbroken line of teachers that dates back thousands of years.
Simon graduated with honours from the University of Cambridge. Currently, he focuses on making the teachings of ancient India widely accessible to contemporary readers and audiences. He lectures and gives seminars and workshops internationally on the philosophy of yoga and the ancient teachings of India.
Simon is author of the bestseller The Book of Dharma: Making Enlightened Choices, which shares practical teachings on how to consciously direct our life by improving the quality of our choices. His most recent book, Yoga and the Dark Night of the Soul: The Soul’s Journey to Sacred Love, explores how crisis and difficulty can form part of our yoga path and how we can write our life story with love and compassion.
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